01274 521521

Cardio Rehabilitation Club Bradford

Opening Times

Mon to Fri: 9am to 9pm
Saturday: 9am to 1pm
Sunday: 10am to 1pm


Mercon House,
531 Beacon Road,
Horton Bank Top,

tel: 01274 521521

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Gym Membership

Fitness Finesse Bradford Cardio Rehab GymWe are predominently a "members only" facility, however, non-members may attend on a casual basis and are welcome at all our classes. 

Our Premiere membership schemes - 12 month, 3 month and Monthly Standing Order - are all inclusive and there are no hidden charges.

Discounts are available for Families, Couples & Students and in addition seasonal discounts may apply. There is no contract or minimum membership period on the Standing Order Scheme.

We recommend the three month scheme for people who may never have used a gym before or those who may not be sure that they can fit it into their lifestyle.

The cheapest option is to join us for a year and, as with all our Premiere schemes your assessments, visits to the gym, aerobics and PowerPlate are all included.

For those members who may prefer to pay monthly our Standing Order Scheme includes use of all the facilities and classes. As it is a standing order you are in control of your own finances and all we ask is you provide a months’ notice if you decide to cancel your membership.

We accept the following debit and credit cards:

Fitness Finesse Membership Card Logos

Please contact Malcolm if you wish to know more.

N.B. It is not company policy to refund fees unless exceptional circumstances apply.


Contact Fitness Finesse today for more information on our gym, training classes or Doctor Exercise Referral Scheme (BEEP).